Downward dog days of summer
Ted Markle Ted Markle

Downward dog days of summer

It was a comment Sue made. One that I only half heard, but the tone indicated that I ought to take action. I think it was about flexibility, middle-aged bulge or maybe mindfulness.

Whatever the case, after a quick and superficial reflection, I enrolled in a yoga class.

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Who’s zoomin’ whom?
Ted Markle Ted Markle

Who’s zoomin’ whom?

“Flesh and blood needs flesh and blood and you’re the one I need.” Johnny Cash

The day will come when we are asked to tell our stories of these trying times.

“Bampie, what did you do during the Great Pandemic?” Some doe-eyed grandchild dressed in a one-piece flannel pyjama shall ask me.

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Phoebe’s unlimited units of affection
Ted Markle Ted Markle

Phoebe’s unlimited units of affection

When did I go from being my dog’s master to being her “Daddy”?

There is something odd and uncomfortable hearing Sue tell the dog to “Go ask Daddy” when she is begging for a treat of some sort. That would be the dog begging – not Sue. (Not going to happen. Not ever.)

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